After a very busy few weeks, we finally got to the part of fostering that I dread - the Gems are 8 and half weeks old and are ready to be rehomed.
They are fully weaned now, just sneaking a quick drink from mum when she isn't looking, but she is fed up of it all now and is getting a little aggressive towards them when they try, so that treat is fast coming to an end.
They have so much energy they wear both me and themselves out. After tearing round the house for an hour or so they all collapse in their various favourite places and sleep for hours.
I love it when that favourite place is in my arms....
They all have completely different personalities. Some of them dream of modelling...
Others just want to be like their mum...
and others just spend their time daydreaming of all the mice they are going to catch...
I'll miss them but it will be nice to be able to have a whole cup of tea to myself again!!